SITe2024 - Seminário de Informática e Tecnologia 2024


Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira

Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira

MLOps Senior Software Engineer - Red Hat

I have 10+ years of Technical Support and Java Development experience and working for companies like IBM and Ericsson, and currently a Senior Software Enginner for Red Hat, developing solutions for JBoss integration with OpenShift. Also I worked as Principal Technical Support Engineer in the same company, providing development support for customer in Web Frameworks and Hibernate/JPA and helping customer in troubleshooting production applications as well as OpenShift evangelist for Brazil, presenting in events for JUG-Vale in São José dos Campos, in São Paulo events like TDC (The Developers Conference) and JustJava and in DevConf.CZ (an international conference located in Brno, Czech Republic). In my blog(, I try to provide a better experience about Openshift development and concepts about Cloud Computing in general.